Hiring Your First Employee? Watch Out!

Hiring Your First Employee? Watch Out!

Make sure you take all the necessary steps to do this correctly! The LAST thing you want is labour standards entanglements. Here's what you must think about ahead of this big step for your business. Get Payroll Set Up Contact...

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How to Calculate Statutory Holiday Pay in Alberta and British Columbia

How to Calculate Statutory Holiday Pay in Alberta and British Columbia

Calculating statutory holiday pay is tricky. We'll describe it here. Calculating it in different provinces is tricky too; labour laws are a provincial jurisdiction. This means rules change. Examples will contrast Alberta and British Columbia (BC). Note: This article describes...

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Correctly Claiming Personally-Owned Vehicle Expenses

Correctly Claiming Personally-Owned Vehicle Expenses

When a shareholder uses his or her own vehicle in the course of business in Canada, deductions from company revenue can be claimed. But you have to know the rules of the taxation road to avoid a collision with...

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Canadian GST and Invoicing Installment Payments

Canadian GST and Invoicing Installment Payments

Here are two good rules of thumb for paying Canadian GST: Pay the least you have to, and wait to pay them until the very last minute!  One business tax is Canada's Good & Services Tax (GST). The 5% tax...

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What Business Owners Need to Know About GST

What Business Owners Need to Know About GST

Expecting more that $30,000 in annual revenue from your business? Then you must obtain a GST number from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). It's easily obtained with a call (including their hold time!) to the CRA. Do You Need a...

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Tracking Your Sales

Tracking Your Sales

You made a sale. You made several sales. Hooray! Now, how do you record it/them in your books? Well, that depends. On what? On your terms of the sale. Let me explain. For most small businesses a sale happens under one of...

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Start Doing Bookkeeping Right From the Beginning of Your Business

Start Doing Bookkeeping Right From the Beginning of Your Business

When you’re just starting out in the world of business, it is often easy to become overwhelmed by the relentless stream of paperwork flooding into your office. For many Calgary startups, the compromise between bringing in customers and balancing...

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Proper Bookkeeping of Meal Expenses

Proper Bookkeeping of Meal Expenses

Meals are a common part of business. You take a client to dinner or lunch to say thank for their business. Or you buy a couple of pizzas to say thanks to your employees for some great effort getting...

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Bookkeeping is How To Easily Know Where Your Business’s Money Comes From and Goes To

Bookkeeping is How To Easily Know Where Your Business’s Money Comes From and Goes To

Two general contractor friends had a chat over coffee the other day. A fly on the wall would have overheard the following: Contractor 1: “My sales in the last six months were good. I closed $645,000 in projects. I did...

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How to Submit Receipts to Your Bookkeeper

How to Submit Receipts to Your Bookkeeper

Just so you know, YES!, we have received big bunches of disorganized receipts in shoeboxes. It really does happen! But, we should try to avoid that. The Bookkeeping Department understands that every expense counts and you want to keep your...

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